A simple tool to download all Foes from the official bestiary found at https://www.emberwindgame.com/bestiary/. Can even be run again to download any missing Foes. The tool will download the files into a folder called "Foes" in the same location that the .exe is located in.
The full python code is below if you would like to look over it before downloading or if you just wish to know how this tool works.
file_downloadPython Scriptimport os import urllib.request as ul from urllib.request import * import re url = "https://www.emberwindgame.com/bestiary/" site = ul.urlopen(url) artless = "" while artless.lower() != "y" and artless.lower() != "n": artless = input("Include artless pdfs? (Y/N) ") foes = re.findall("https://.*pdf", site.read().decode("utf8")) if artless.lower() == "n": foes = [foe for foe in foes if "artless" not in foe] if not os.path.exists("Foes"): os.mkdir("Foes") newFoes = [] for foe in foes: name = foe.replace("https://www.emberwindgame.com/wp-content/uploads/Emberwind_","") if not os.path.exists("Foes/"+name): newFoes.append(foe) for foe in newFoes: name = foe.replace("https://www.emberwindgame.com/wp-content/uploads/Emberwind_","") if not os.path.exists("Foes/"+name): print("["+str((newFoes.index(foe)+1))+"/"+str(len(newFoes))+"] Downloading "+name.replace(".pdf","")+" to "+os.path.abspath("Foes/"+name)) ul.urlretrieve(foe, "Foes/"+name) site.close() print("Finished!") input()