Bestiary Downloader

by bioa10

A simple tool to download all Foes from the official bestiary found at Can even be run again to download any missing Foes. The tool will download the files into a folder called "Foes" in the same location that the .exe is located in.

file_downloadDownload exe

The full python code is below if you would like to look over it before downloading or if you just wish to know how this tool works.

file_downloadPython Script
import os import urllib.request as ul from urllib.request import * import re url = "" site = ul.urlopen(url) artless = "" while artless.lower() != "y" and artless.lower() != "n": artless = input("Include artless pdfs? (Y/N) ") foes = re.findall("https://.*pdf","utf8")) if artless.lower() == "n": foes = [foe for foe in foes if "artless" not in foe] if not os.path.exists("Foes"): os.mkdir("Foes") newFoes = [] for foe in foes: name = foe.replace("","") if not os.path.exists("Foes/"+name): newFoes.append(foe) for foe in newFoes: name = foe.replace("","") if not os.path.exists("Foes/"+name): print("["+str((newFoes.index(foe)+1))+"/"+str(len(newFoes))+"] Downloading "+name.replace(".pdf","")+" to "+os.path.abspath("Foes/"+name)) ul.urlretrieve(foe, "Foes/"+name) site.close() print("Finished!") input()